Friday, January 29, 2010

This is going to be one of those stupid blogs that no one reads. I just going to be bitching about how bad my life is, and I am sorry for that. First let me tell you about my self, I am a 39 year old married man, with two wonderful sons. Now the part that sucks I just lost my job, I am behind on my mortgage, I haven't paid a credit card in 2 years. My credit score is "denied"! That's the financial side and that isn't special millions of people are in the same boat.
I grew up in a small town outside of Boston. We were very poor, I was the Kmart special kid and was constantly picked on and suffered from a very low self esteem. My parents did their best they could and loved me very much even thou I didn't get it back then. I got my first job as a newspaper boy. One of the guys in the office liked me and after the first year he brought me in to work in the office. He then started showing porn magazines and touching me in sexual ways. I was very confused and allowed him to do this for almost two years. I felt so dirty! I cried myself to sleep thinking I was a homosexual. I later dropped out of school. I never really had a girlfriend and had never gotten laid. I met this girl and quickly had sex with her. Later in the police station i found out that she was only 14 years old, I was 18 and that truly started the downward spiral in my life. I was convicted of statutory rape and served 6 months in jail. I now register every 6 months as a sex offender, something that weighs me down everyday of my life.

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